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BT Manager Buys Staff Drinking Bottles As Exchange Coolers Turned Off

The issue of drinking water and temperatures in telephone exchange Main Distribution Frames (MDFs) is likely to run and run for some time as the CWU gathers further evidence of the reality of BT Openworld’s penny pinching policies when it comes to the health, safety and welfare of its staff.

Not just with regard to the removal of chilled water facilities in the MDFs, but also the closing down of temperature control equipment too!

The unions Health and Safety department continues to rebuff the companies claims that all is well with their policy of removing all drinking water facilities from within the work areas of MDFs in exchanges; and its legality.

Pic: Steve MannCWU national official Steve Mann, has written again to BT Openworld in response to their last statement reported previously by this website, pointing out that the facts as stated by BT Openworld ”….does not reflect the real situation in BT MDFs.”

Steve, goes on to write:

“You say that fresh drinking water is provided in our buildings which is readily accessible and in a suitable place but I am told that most drinking water is in the toilets, often quite a way from the workplace.

You say that the vast majority of premises will be equipped with drinking vessels and where there is problem with local provisions local arrangements will be made. There appears to be no drinking vessels at nearly all the telephone exchanges we have surveyed and we do not know what local arrangements will be made. This issue was on the minutes of the Operate H&S meetings for many years until they passed it off onto a property forum, but still nothing happened.”

Steve also pointed out that, “…drinking water is not located in sanitary facilities ……..drinking water is in the toilets unless a self messing facility is present.”

Steve then lists just a few of the facts from around the country “…..showing the real picture that is the current BT workers experience.”

* Frames engineers in one city in the midlands are topping up the old spring water containers up with tap water.  The dispensers have not been disinfected and the tap water becomes too hot for safe consumption.  The local rep has tested the temperature of water from the cold taps in a good number of buildings recently and a significant number are above the 20 degrees Centigrade limit set out in the Legionella ACOP. 

* So drinking tap water in many TE’s is a health risk and certainly storing it in an old spring water container in a Hot MDF is a bad idea.  Engineers have been told to take tap water and put it in the fridge to cool it, where a fridge exists.  Most fridges, where they do exist, are not cleaned regularly, if at all.  Again this is a health hazard. 

* There is not as such a proper welfare room system anymore and getting water from any tap located in or near a toilet is disgusting to say the least.

* A BT skill centre, which is south facing and has a big glass window which creates a greenhouse effect, the welfare room has no cups to use for drinking water. Due to the excessive heat the cold water from the cold water tap was more luke warm, even after letting it run for a couple of minutes.

* Staff find it incredulous that a blue chip company like BT, cannot afford for its people, and let’s not forget the fact that it is these people that collectively make the company such a financial success, to have available especially during the summer months May to Sept, chilled cold water from dispensing machines whether it’s at an MDF, office, TEC or skill centre. To them it’s the most basic of health & safety.

But at least it appears that one manager in the south east is trying to do something. In a Newsletter to staff the manager writes:
“Regarding the heat, as you know the coolers have been removed, this was completely due to cost, our yearly bill was £500,000 and clearly this is a large number, I am aware of the importance though of staying hydrated so have received authority to buy you all a drinking bottle to help you throughout the day – These are on their way and your manager will have them soon.”

The CWU says: " The company either needs to revert back to the ‘spring water’ contracts or provide dedicated chilled water outlets close to the MDFs."

Unionsafety will  continue to report on this news item, given the issue is such a basic one with serious health implications for all BT Openworld staff working within Telephone Exchange MDFS.

Source: CWU

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